Sunday, May 27, 2007

I just finished Miss Wyoming. Life After God is still my favorite Coupland novel, but I think this one runs a close second.

I'm going to post a passage from the book on my other blog.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

18, 19, 20 and 21 (and 22 and 23)

Oh dear, I keep forgetting to keep track...

Well, Jane lent me Saving Graces, a wonderful book on friendship. Since I know Jane from a group of friends a leeeetle like the Saving Graces, this book was especially tearjerky. So good.

Then I read All Families are Psychotic. Not my favorite Coupland ever.

So I went back to Martha Grimes. I read Cold Flat Junction then I went over to her website to read about this author, I was a bit confused as to whether she's English or a Yank. Well turns out that she's famous for her Richard Jury mysteries of which I've read one. And that her RJ fans actually sent her hate mail when she wrote this semi biographical trilogy (Hotel Paradise, Cold Flat Junction and Belle Ruin). Well, I'm sorry, but I think they're brilliant. In fact, I started carrying a pen and paper with me to write down quotes from the books. But then I like to think I'm a precocious child like the protagonist in these books is...

When I was returning books to the library I saw Robert Ludlum's The Bancroft Strategy. Probably my favorite Ludlum book to date. Although in the beginning I found it quite witty and kept reading one liners and quotes to Andrew. By the end it felt like he was tidying things up too quickly and it was getting a bit corny.

Next I pulled out Hey Nostradamous, but after the first page I realised I've already read that one, so instead I started Miss Wyoming, also by Douglas Coupland. And that brings me to book 23. I was getting a little desperate for books, but I realised that Jane lent me a few more which I have yet to read...