Saturday, March 22, 2008

13: Dominion

When I pick up a book, it's because I want to lose myself in a story. If I wanted a lesson or a sermon I'd thumb through a non-fiction book. Not a supposed story. I don't care if you teach me something, just don't make it so gosh darned obvious.

Dominion was my third Randy Alcorn book. The guy is a good writer and his story ideas are right up my alley. It's just his tendency to sermonize that I don't appreciate. I decided to stop being so judgemental and shallow and try to learn something this time, but about half way through this (way toooooo long) book I just started skipping sections. This happened in his previous book too.

This particular book is 602 pages of fairly small font. There are too many stories trying to be told. Too much trying to be said. Historical fiction, conspiracy theory, mystery and suspense. What genre was I even reading?

That said, if you had the patience to dig deep, there were several stories in there. And other people must like his books; they seem to sell well. And I will probably read his next book (Deception) just because I've grown to like the characters. But you'd better be ready to listen to my whining about that one too...

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