Saturday, March 22, 2008

14: Germ

My friend Chadya introduced me to Robert Liparulo. When it's time to buy me a gift, she pretty much just has to go and ask her husband what he's into these days and she knows I'll like it. So aside from Starbucks and pumping iron, Scott's been getting into Liparulo. And I do like.

I'm a big fan of Michael Crichton and Liparulo's Germ is very reminiscent of something Crichton would have written. Once again I had to read the first chapter to Andrew so he could see what a good movie this is going to make. SO exciting!

Liparulo also reminds me a bit of Ted Dekker - before his books started becoming so formulaic. As far as I know, this is only the second of maybe 4 books he's written, but if he can keep up this quality then I'm a fan for life!

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